Muppet Monday on Thursday

Good Morning!  Because of the Labor Day holiday this week I didn’t post a Muppet Monday!

So I thought I would start today off with a little Muppet & Jimmy Buffet (hey that rhymes) work of awesomeness.

When my kids were young, we watched Elmopalooza so often that the DVD is worn out now and will hardly play.  I’m not ashamed to say I LOVE Elmopalooza and I know the words to this and almost every song on there….even now, several years later.  This makes me miss having little, little ones!

16 thoughts on “Muppet Monday on Thursday

  1. Thank you for sharing, that’ what we needed today (it’s the brother of YOUR tuesday today). I heard my old scratched Big Bird’s Birdtime Stories LP ( sorry I’m an Oldtimer) as a kid in an endless loop until my mother threw them in the garbage, because I haven’t only sung with them I imitated all the noises too…think this was to much for my mom :o)))


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  3. My son’s used to watch “The Best of Elmo” DVD, and darned if that thing didn’t grow on me, too. Some days I miss it–just want to jump back in time to when they were little and watch it with them one more time. 🙂


    • I’ll do it if you do it….no shame in a grown woman watching Elmo! I’ll admit, if Sesame Street is on while flipping thru channels, I can’t just pass right over it…gotta watch for a while.


      • I actually did save the DVD–or wait, now that I think about it, it’s a VHS; good god I’m gettin old. I couldn’t bear to part with it. Hmmm, maybe tonight I’ll have to dig it out?…


      • A friend of mine had to go to the library to watch some old VHS tapes she had in storage….the library! I think it’s funny that you now have to go somewhere to watch those…like they are ancient or something. I remember the day my family got our first VCR. I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread!


    • oh no! Too bad he is sick — hope he gets better soon….those Muppets will make him feel better! Thank goodness there are still kids out there who like them and not some computer generated crap like what is on nowadays!


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