Nowhere Is Safe

I don’t really have anything fun or happy to post about today, as last night’s shooting in CO really has me shook up. My husband, my mother, my son and his best friend went to the midnight premier of Batman last night in our city.  When I think that this could’ve happened anywhere — could’ve happened to them — it gets hard to breathe.

It makes me wonder, as a parent, how am I able to protect my children and my family from these dangers?  Horrible events like these that have no justification or reason?  How do I protect them from the absolute evil that plagues our world in this day and age?  I guess at some point I have to sit back and say “I can’t”,

The only way I can understand what happened last night in that CO movie theater is to think that the Devil surely is alive and well on this earth.  He’s taking up residence in weak and feeble minds to have them carry out his dirty work.  I pray that the legions of God’s angels surround my family, friends and loved ones and continue to keep us safe as they fight the battle against evil.  This is all I can do.

My prayers go out to the families of the dead and injured as well as those who survived but will be forced to deal with the trauma of what they experienced for the rest of their lives.  May God give them comfort and healing and welcome the deceased into his Kingdom with love and grace.

I have to thank God for every day that we are blessed to live and wake up to face another.  Nothing is guaranteed in this world, not even life.

5 thoughts on “Nowhere Is Safe

  1. It was awful hearing the news updates on the incident. It most be constant coverage there in the US. In Australia all we can think of is the victims and the need for better ways to control firearms and allow appropriate liberty and freedom.


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