It’s Like Hekel and Jyde!

Attention!  Long post ahead!  If you make it through to the end…I applaud you.  Please be aware that everything written is purely my opinions and nothing more.

Like most people, I have a guilty pleasure.  Mine involves bling, screaming children, family feuds, gay weddings and lots and lots of pasta – otherwise known as the real Housewives of New Jersey.   I started watching the show last year when I got drawn into the Christmas Eve episodes.  Lots of Italian food, family and wine – reminded me of my own holiday traditions – although mine have a lot less drama!  After that I had to go back and watch all of that season’s episodes and then I caught up on the 2 seasons that I never saw.  I immersed myself in the craziness of Danielle’s  hair pulling incident, Theresa’s table flipping, Ashlee’s defiance, Dina’s gossiping etc…  It seemed like more than the other Housewives shows on Bravo, there was definitely a good storyline going on here.

I know that some people think it is scripted and Bravo does a heck of a job milking the drama for all it’s worth but I can totally see that these are real people with real emotions.  Unfortunately they are singed into a contract that is forcing them to endure this emotional rollercoaster one more season.  What used to be a fun, carefree and loving group of people (most of which are family to each other) is now a group of family and friends torn apart by fame, gossip, lies and jealousy.  Do I contribute to Bravo’s ratings by watching it – undeniably – it’s a train wreck I can’t stop looking at.  But after 4 seasons I truthfully have grown to love some of them and loathe others.  I cried last season when Ashlee hurt Jacqueline’s feelings at brunch, I laughed when Rosie was babysitting at the shore, I cringe whenever “Juicy” Joe opens his mouth and while watching last night’s episode I felt tense and out of breath just by witnessing the argument between Theresa, Caroline and Jacqueline.  I felt bad for all of them.

My opinion of the season so far?

“No, you’re crazy!”

1.  This season should be nicknamed “The Theresa Show”.  I feel  that Theresa is a battered woman.  If not physically (there’s been no evidence of that) then definitely emotionally.  Her husband is about as smart as a box of hair and you can see from what is shown of him, he has total control over her.  He would rather she not have any connections to her family and friends; I think he even said on one episode “You don’t need them, you got me.” after verbally bashing her family with ridiculous and childish insults.   Don’t even get me started about the blow up he had in the car a few weeks back.  Tre and Joe are having serious financial and legal issues due to Joe’s bad business decisions and moral choices.  Tre is in denial and doesn’t choose to share anything with her friends, as it probably is too painful to accept.  She just smiles and acts like nothing’s wrong.  She sells stories to the press (she tells everyone she does this last week, then this week denies it) to help with the family finances but does so at the expense of her family and friends…creating lies and negative impressions of them.  Theresa has changed into a total fame whore and it’s a shame.  I used to love her but now I just shake my head and feel sorry for her.  All of this will come back to bite her and Joe in the ass someday real soon.  And don’t get me started about her relationship with her brother…she definitely is jealous of Melissa, only because Joey (Gora) now cannot give Tre 100% of his attention anymore.  Melissa might be a fame whore of her own, but Joey’s married now Tre….get over it!

Always trying to be the happy one!

2.  Let me explain my thoughts on Jacqueline.  I absolutely love her.  She is someone I  would want in a friend.  In all the seasons I have watched, she has been nothing but honest, helpful and loyal to her family and friends….karma has not been friendly to her.  It’s only gotten her hurt and betrayed.  She’s gone through rough patches with Ashlee and you can’t help but feel for her.  She was a young mom and did what she could to give Ashlee a good life.  You can raise your children to the best of your ability but in the end, they grow up to be their own people who make their own decisions.  Whether they are good or bad at that point – not a parent’s fault.  I hear that Ashlee is now on the right track, I hope it stays that way.  As far as her relationship with Tre – while watching last night’s episode I felt that she was grasping at straws.  She might’ve meant well by confronting Tre about all the media hype but I really felt that she should’ve just let things go.  She was trying to help and let Tre know that she was there for her.  Jac felt shut out and that she wasn’t good enough to be confided in.  Tre continued to deny everything and continue to be on the defensive side.  At that point, Jac should’ve just let it go.

She just looks beat down

3.  I love the Manzos…the whole bunch.  I think that Caroline has always been sitting on the sidelines watching everyone in silence and trying to be the mediator without completely taking sides.  This season it’s a different story.  It’s clear that Caroline is totally done with the BS, she’s tired of watching the drama unfold and just wants to put an end to it.  If that means cutting some people out of her life, she has to do it.  The fact that she’s going through menopause doesn’t help.  You can’t help but feel for her – she is a totally different person this season and I think that has a lot to do with it.  I’m pretty sure she won’t be back next year.  As far as her kiddos, I love them – their funny banter and their friend Greg too.  I’ve read that Lauren has lost a ton of weight (the right way) and it looking great.   Good for her!

Such a cute family

4.  Kathy is another favorite of mine.  She truthfully loves her cousin Tre and wants to help but just doesn’t want to be smack dab in the middle of the drama.  She has nobody to talk to about her feelings and when she tried to talk to Melissa, she gets shot down.  As for her sister Rosie – OMG, is she not the best?

“I’ll throw yous right into the lagoon, I swear to God.”

I really think Rosie should have her own show.

5.  Finally, Melissa and Joe Gorga – I could take them or leave them.  Melissa truthfully gets on my nerves and although I’d really like to like her – I just don’t quite feel it.  There is something there that doesn’t sit right with me.  I’m wondering if there just might be a bit of truth to the rumor that she “pushed” her way onto the show to gain fame and an outlet for publishing an album.  Poor thing can’t sing so it was probably her only option.

No, Melissa….just…no. You’re not “On Display”

Joey disgusts me every time he talks about his “poison” and whatever other names he has for his private parts.  Some things should just be left in the bedroom – he doesn’t have to air it to the world on national TV….I really don’t want to know.  Regarding the relationship with his sister – I think he wants to work it out.  They’re old school Italians…nothing stronger than blood.  I guess I’ll have to keep watching to see if he goes to “physical” therapy with Theresa…

So that’s it.  My take on my favorite show.   I really love reality TV but I do agree that it’s a shame that entertainment has gone from fun shows like Growing Pains and The Brady Bunch to networks making money at the expense of friend and family relationships.  Will I continue to watch – you bet – and, I’ll blog about it too.  I look forward to seeing my “friends” every week and always hope that there will miraculously be some happy, fairly tale ending.  Something it telling me that with this season’s New Jersey cast, it won’t necessarily end up that way….  Now pardon me, I have to go read their blogs on

Tell me, what do you think of this season’s drama?

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