Muppet Friday?

No not exactly but I just found something on one of my favorite blogs “The Muppet Mindset” that brought the fondest of memories to mind.  It is a post about the 1996 Christmas special – “The Christmas Toy”.  Read the post here.

I don’t know about you, but as a kid I truly and honestly believed that my stuffed animals came “alive” at night or whenever I was not in the room.  I often wondered about the kinds of games they played and the fun that they had during their special time.  Call me crazy, but that was one of the wonders of childhood!

If you haven’t had the chance to see this…. if you have kids — or not — do yourself a favor and watch it.  It will warm your heart and brighten any bad day this Christmas season.  Amazon has it for just over $6.50.  Just one more gem from Jim Henson….it’s definitely worth it!

Muppet Monday!

As the holidays approach and life gets busier and busier, my posts might be reduced to just a few a week but I promise to try and make them good!

I found this video this morning that combines three of my favorite things — Thanksgiving, Food Network and the Muppets!


Muppet Monday: Forget You

It’s a little late but better late than never!  Over the weekend it was really chilly here in the area.  When we have temperatures like that, it makes me just want to stay inside and sit by the fire.  So I did put the fireplace on and watched “The Muppets” from On Demand.  This is my favorite clip from that movie….Camilla and her chickens singing Cee Lo Green’s “Forget You”.  I think I actually like her version better!

Muppet Monday!

Ok so I lied — I’m still working on the day 2 report.  But, in the meantime I thought I’d better throw in a Muppet Monday since I missed last week.  I’m still in a Vegas sort of mood so I went to YouTube and searched “Muppets in Las Vegas”…..this is what I got.  I do remember this clip and I love the way she sings this but wtf is she wearing??

Muppet Monday: Baby It’s Cold Outside!

When I woke up this morning I was shocked at how cold it was outside.  Apparently we broke an all time record here in the Dallas Ft. Worth area when the temperature hit 39 degrees.  Last time it was that cold this early in the year was in the 1920’s.  To commemorate this, enjoy this little ditty sung by Miss Piggy while she shares the steam room with Russian Ballet dancer Rudolf Nuriev:


Just Because I Can

This is what you get when I want to be lazy and I don’t have anything interesting to say….no cool dream last night, no crazy kid story and nothing is pissing me off….so this is what you get: a music video.

But not just any music video…a music video by Fun..  The radio played the crap out of their song “We Are Young” and I really liked it…I thought it was very reminiscent of Queen. This new song I only heard once and I was instantly in love.  I have now bought the whole album on my iTunes.  Who are these guys?  They are f*cking awesome and where have they been hiding?  Their music makes me want to go work out (and that is a miraculous feat in itself)…just because it’s such perfect music to work out to. Either work out or do some Irish dancing…one or the other. How can you not love songs with bagpipes?

I Won Da Big One

“I won! I won da money! (slumps over for a second) I won da money!”
~Sid Caesar, Vegas Vacation

I was making my way through Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas and spotted the new bank of “Grease” video slot machines.  It was like a shining beam of light through the clouds…I swear I heard angels singing.  All of the seat were taken however I spotted the machine I wanted.  It was like it was calling my name.

New “Grease” Machines at Treasure Island Las Vegas Casino

This lady was playing it feverishly for a very long time but I just sat and waited my turn.  Another woman approached me from behind and I could feel her breathing on my neck.  I inched forward in an attempt to remove her from my personal space.  She wouldn’t move and just continued to stand there.  I was not going to let her take my turn on this machine!

As the credits wound down for the lady who was playing, I began to get more excited about my chance to play…wondering what the outcome would be.  As soon as she made the motions of getting up to leave, the lady behind me pushed by me…almost knocking me over.  I yelled…. “Oh hell no!  I have been waiting here for over an hour and I was here first!”  She fought me….she pushed my hands away as I attempted to insert my money in the slot.  She was a much larger woman than I and I didn’t have much of a chance.

A slot floor attendant witnessed our scuff and quickly came over with security guards to break it up.  The resolution went in my favor, as this psycho lady was hauled away and I was allowed to take control of the machine.  With a big sigh and a satisfied smile, I put my money in, said a prayer,  hit “max bet” and SPIN.

Three spins in I hit the bonus round.  This bonus round was based upon the Grease movie song “Grease Lightning” sung in the auto shop.  I was picking tools on the screen and watching my credits add up.  All of a sudden I was down to the last choice and the screen cleared.  Suddenly lights began to flash and up on the screen appeared the words “BIG WIN!”.  Credits started to ring up and continued for quite some time.  A crowd gathered behind me…what did I win??  It looked like $400…..wait, no….it’s $14,000!!  I couldn’t breathe and then………

BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  my alarm clock went off.  Dammit!! oh well, it was a nice dream while it lasted.  At least I know how good it feels to win that much money, even if it was just a dream.  I am off to Vegas in a little over two weeks and you can bet I will be taking my chances with this machine.  Even if I have to fight someone to get to it!

Muppet Monday on Thursday

Good Morning!  Because of the Labor Day holiday this week I didn’t post a Muppet Monday!

So I thought I would start today off with a little Muppet & Jimmy Buffet (hey that rhymes) work of awesomeness.

When my kids were young, we watched Elmopalooza so often that the DVD is worn out now and will hardly play.  I’m not ashamed to say I LOVE Elmopalooza and I know the words to this and almost every song on there….even now, several years later.  This makes me miss having little, little ones!